Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 11 of Senior Project

So today was a great day. We finished the video so now all we have to do it put it on a DVD. I went to the tech lab at 9 this morning and started editing. I learned a lesson the hard way today. I was watching the movie and saw a set of clips in the middle i wanted to fix to the beat of the song. Then I found the clip right before everything I had just edited needed to be shortened. So I shortened it which moved everything else after it. This ended up screwing everything up that I had just worked so hard to line up with the song. So after all that Dev showed up to save the day. I watched her and learned all the cool effects one can do in Final Cut Pro. We exported it to iMovie and added a title and credits. Tomorrow we are going to meet with Jim to put it on DVD's and insert a menu page with a play button. But for the most part WE ARE DONE!! YAY.

Hours worked: 5
Time posted: 11:13

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