Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 13 of Senior Project

Today we moved the video into iDVD and added play button. We also picked a theme for the background behind play button. This went very smoothly. We began to get excited because we realized that we only had to burn it onto a DVD and then we were DONE. So I walked across the hall and asked Anna for 6 DVDs and began burn them. After we were done Cameron Lucas wanted to see the video. We took this as an opportunity to try out one of the DVD's we had burned. We stuck it in the player and watched the whole movie. We saw there were no credits at the end. I pointed out to Dev that I had added credits to the video in Final Cut and we didn't take that version and burn it. We are in the process of figuring out weather we can re-record over the DVD's we already used or whether we have to get 6 new ones.

Hours worked: 2
Time posted: 11:41

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