Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 8 of Senior Project

Today was probably my favorite day of senior project. It was very productive. We had a leisurely morning of waking up at 7, getting out of bed at 8 and being in the tech lab by 9. Then we opened Final Cut and continued to edit. Sam Johnson was in Jim Cox's independent class. He came over to see how we were doing seeing as he is very good at using Final Cut. He gave us a lesson on how to fix the color in some of our clips (ex. really bright light coming though a window and washing it out). It was relatively complicated and not needed for most of our clips so we probably wont use it much. We now have 1 minute and 37 seconds of a video which is a great start to the week. If we keep going at the pace we are going we will have plenty of time to fix minor details to make it perfect.

Hours worked: 6
Time Posted: 8:10

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