Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekly Reflection

This week was filled with learning experiences. One after another, they seemed to come at us rapid fire. The first day consisted of dying cameras, running out of tapes and struggling to import. Because of the day we had just had, we remembered to charge the cameras each night and ask Jim for more tapes. I learned so much about the difficulties of filming. I never knew that it was so hard to keep a camera still while walking. When reviewing the first walking footage I took, I saw that it looked like an earthquake had hit Andover, NH. As the week went on, the footage got better and looked less shaky. One of our goals was to finish all the filming in the first week. This goal was accomplished.

As we started editing I realized how much I had to learn. Final Cut movie editing program is very complicated and I have many shortcuts to learn. So far I have learned the basics of how to select part of a clip and drag it onto a timeline. Durning next week, I will learn much more about editing as that is the focus of our week.

There were definitely some bumps in the road of our first week on senior project. The tapes were probably one of our biggest issues. We, in the beginning, were running out of them. Then when we had plenty of them, our next problem was remembering what footage was on what tape and what we had imported or not. We didn’t want to tape over anything that we took the time to film but hadn’t imported yet. We also didn’t think about how someone in one of the classes hosted in the tech lab might have been using the same computer we are before we started senior project. So we have to leave the tech lab every D block to let the student use it for his class.

I have gained much knowledge this week about filming and being organized that I will benefit from. I am learning how much footage is actually needed to make a decent two minute video. I have learned how hard it is to keep my hand still when filming. In the week to come, I will be much more organized and on top of things. Being behind on emailing students to shadow last week cost me some essential filming time.

Hours worked: 25.5

Time posted: 10:29

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