Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 9 of Senior Project

Today we were in the tech lab by 8:30 in the morning. I worked on editing the video from then on until about 12 at which time I saved it and went to lunch. Sam Johnson was in the tech lab again and he helped refresh me on how to fix the brightness in a window of one of my clips using the editing software called Color. I have mastered how to fix the brightness in a window after practicing with a few clips while Sam was there. I also learned that in one of the clips where the camera stays still it is possible to change the color of someone's shirt or the color of the wall. This was pretty simple to learn with the knowledge that I already had about using Color. We have also been looking for music to put into the video. We would like to put music to it as soon as possible so that we can begin the final edit. When we edit with the music we can get the scene changes and transitions to match the beat of the music. We are planning to have a song picked out by tomorrow so that the next couple of days can be editing to the music.

Hours worked: 5
Time posted: 7:45

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