Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 3 of Senior Project

Day 3 of senior project. It feels like we have been doing senior project for a long time already. This is partly because when you are filming times seems to crawl. When filming a shot of something you should film for at least 30 seconds and when you are watching the seconds go by that can feel like a life time. Today was a good day. Everything seemed to run smoothly. My day began by waking up at 6:30 to leave the dorm at 7:15. We drove my car out to Megan Hanscom's house so we could film her leaving in the morning. Deven hopped in the car with Megan and her dad to film her driving to school, while I followed behind in my car. We had a tripod set up in the passenger seat so that I could film as I drove. I just pressed record and off we went. When we got back to school I parked the car and ran to the greenhouse behind Gulick to meet Zolie. I filmed him taking about 10 bags of freshly harvested lettuce to the dining hall. From the dining hall I went to his first 3 classes which were Geometry, French, and Boat Building. In Boat Building I saw the boat he was making and got some cool shots of him sanding wood down for the sides. I liked that class because it was something different from the normal sit down lecture type class. It also made for some interesting different footage. For last block I went to the tech lab and joined Deven in importing. We went to lunch and filmed there. We filmed through the window upstairs of people coming in and out of the dining hall. After lunch I went back to the tech lab and continued to work on the importing. I then ran off to my home tennis match. After dinner we went back to the tech lab and imported the rest. We also started to put some clips together. We began the long process of weeding out the footage that you want to use. It is almost as though you have to watch it all again and find the good parts that you want to keep.

Today was a great day. Everything that I had set out to do I pretty much got done. I am slightly upset that I missed Zolie actually harvesting and rinsing the lettuce. But I have to live with that because there was nothing I could have done about it. I was late coming back from Megans so I just didn't get there in time to catch that part of the footage. Other then that everything went very well. I am hoping that tomorrow will be the same. :) I will be following Derric Tankersley in the morning. I will follow him for as many tapes as I have and then I will spend the afternoon importing what I have filmed.

Hours worked: 7
Time posted: 11:17

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