Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 5 of Senior Project

So my day started out at 5:30 am to go to polar swim. I didn't film at polar swim because I was participating so I guess that doesn't really count as work. Then when we got back I filmed Alex Richichi for 2 hours. It was nice because he had a voice block so I got some different footage then just sitting in classes. We went to the tech lab and found that we had run out of space on the computer. This meant that Jim had to take some time to delete stuff off the computer to give us space. After assembly we filmed choir/Alex. Then while Dev was in spanish class I went to the tech lab and imported some of the stuff that we had shot that day. I took the camera and tripod to lunch and filmed the friday question. After dinner we went back to the tech lab and imported/edited some more footage until 7:30. Today we didn't make huge progress but we are willing to log some hours tomorrow and Sunday.

Hours worked: 5
Time posted: 9:49

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