Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 1 of Senior Project

This was the first day of my senior project. It was a crazy day. It started out with me waking up earlier then I would have had to for classes. I was at breakfast at 7:15 in order to eat before my day of following Moriah Keat began. I meet her outside the dinning hall at 7:45 and followed her from breakfast until F block (the block right before lunch). I had to leave her class once because I didn't know how to charge my dead video camera and I needed more tapes. That involved running to the tech lab for help and getting back to class before it was let out to go to assembly. Then I went to chamber choir where we rehearsed our songs for share day over at the elementary school. I was given half and hour to eat lunch, run to the theater and grab the tripod Dev had used to film assembly and be back at the chapel ready to sing. I filmed walking over and singing at share day. I brought that footage back to the tech lab and began importing it. Then I ran off to tennis practice and dinner. I returned to the tech lab at 8:00 and imported whatever was left. This day was a lot more work then I thought it would be. I was so excited to not have to be in classes anymore. But for part of this day I was kind of wishing I was because that seemed easier. But that is not the case anymore now that the day has settled down. I am excited to put in the extra effort it take to make this video and I know that in the end I will be so proud of all that I have learned and what I have accomplished. As for now I will just keep plugging away at all the work I have to do to finish this senior project, knowing that in the end it will all be worth it.

Total hours: 6

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