Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 4 of Senior Project

I cannot believe that it is only day 4 of senior project. I'm loving every minute of it but it is a lot of hard work. Today I got to the tech lab at 9 am and looked for any footage that we had not imported yet and moved over any footage that was in imovie over to Final Cut. I found a tape and a half. I began importing that and left it there to import while I went to assembly to set up the other camera on a tripod. I stayed through assembly and the senior meeting. After assembly we came back to the tech lab and worked with some footage that we had of Zoli. we worked on the speed of the clip and the color. I also struggled with a space in between two clips. I learned today how to space out the clips so they look bigger but are still the same length in time. I had a very small clip that I wanted to use but when I sped up the time it was impossible to click on. This meant a learning lesson. I was going to film Derric after assembly but I didn't see him because he ran out and I didn't know the next class that he had. Today was a bit more of a relaxing day which was nice but we will have to make up for lost time tomorrow. My day will start at about 5:30 A.M. because I plan on going to Polar Swim to film the excitement. Then I will go from there to the tech. lab and import what I filmed. Then I will be around campus getting a bunch of b role.

Hours worked: 4.5 hours
Time posted: 9:55

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