Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 2 of Senior Project

Today was a bit of a more relaxing day. It was not nearly as crazy as yesterday. Part of the reason for this was we forgot to email students to ask if today would have been a good day to follow them. So, seeing as we didn't have anyone to follow in the morning we went to the tech lab for two hours and worked on editing. This morning was more of a tutorial on some of the essentials to selecting and editing a clip you want from a larger segment of footage. I learned how to select a clip, put it on a timeline and play around with the speed and direction (normal or reverse) Then we headed off to advisory and filmed us making breakfast sandwiches (a normal scene in Patty's advisory). From advisory I ran to catch up with Dan Yeom to film him in one more class because we hadn't gotten enough of him the day before. Then I came back to the tech lab to import what I had just filmed. After lunch we came back to the tech lab for about an hour until we were kicked off our computer because someone else needed to use it for there class. I went to sports, changed and then went off to dinner. When I was done with dinner I met Dev at the tech lab. We finished importing whatever we had shot during the day. Then we moved all of the footage from imovie, which we are using to import, into Final Cut to be edited. We also emailed students about tomorrow and potentially shadowing them. Megan Hanscom signed on saying she would do it so Dev will be filming her all day tomorrow. The other person we are filming is Zoltan Clark. I am really excited to film him tomorrow because my day of filming starts in the greenhouse behind Gulick. He and Matt Mackenzie are going to harvest some stuff in the morning before class so that should be fun and interesting.

Originally I was planning on shadowing a student all day long. But, seeing as that fell through I had to rework my plan. I was thinking that it would be cool to get some shots of the wise. People coming in and out between classes and enjoying there free blocks. I was also going to get some shots of people checking there mail boxes. This to fell through as we saw there was a need for more footage of Dan. I was flexible and when along with it. Also I was not planning on learning a whole bunch of stuff from Dev about Final Cut today, because originally I had other plans, but I did. I have started a notebook of everything I need to know about Final Cut. Shortcuts like I for in when you want to begin capturing a clip and O for out when you want to finish capturing the clip. Today was the first of many where I will be cramming my notebook with everything about Final Cut Pro.

Hours worked: 7
Entry posted at: 11:13

1 comment:

  1. How many students will you be following? Will you have a representative sample of all grades? The World History projects would make an interesting addition.
